Thursday, October 16, 2014

Win Prizes for College Knowledge!

Introducing...SEAD prizes for College Knowledge!

As you may know, I have been hosting "College Knowledge" workshops that cover everything about the college process, including SAT prep, college search information, and more. I would love for attendance at these sessions to be higher, and in order to encourage students to come, SEAD has developed prizes for coming to College Knowledge events!

Here's how it works:
What/When are the opportunities to get points?
  • Do your WilsonPrep, and come show me at the end of the week on Friday!
    • To get the full five points, you need to complete 5 WilsonPreps per week - it's okay if you don't do them all on their respective days (e.g., if you work Tuesday and can't do Tuesday's problems on Tuesday, doing it on Wednesday is fine!) but they all need to be by Friday to get the full 5 points.
    • To get two points, you need to complete 4/5 WilsonPreps by Friday. 
  • Attend the weekly College Knowledge sessions that I've scheduled (see the calendar!). If you can't attend one, you can still get the points if you schedule another time to make it up with me.
  • Attend our college visits! The first one is to Boston College on October 25th with other SEAD students from Schenectady and Raymond!
  • Come to the SAT Practice Exam on Saturday, November 8th, from 12-4pm at the East Boston Public Library. Not only will you get College Knowledge points, you'll get a Dartmouth water bottle AND I'll also have pizza!
    • Students who are enrolled in a class that requires them to take a full-length practice SAT test will be given 5 automatic points. However, the students can earn the other 5 out of 10 points for coming in and taking the test with me - you can't ever do too much SAT prep!
  • Try, make an effort, and commit yourself to your college plans and your future - you can gain unto 5 extra points for being enthusiastic and putting in effort!

This system will be implemented starting on Monday, October 20th. I will be hosting a College Knowledge Session in 142b from 2-3 pm that day. For students who have already been making an effort to complete College Knowledge with me before the point system was put in place, I will be sure to take this into the effort/enthusiasm point category when I calculate your points at the end! 

Great work to students who have already shown their dedication to college through these workshops, and I hope to see more of you in the upcoming weeks!