Wednesday, February 11, 2015

This Week in SEAD (2/9-2/13)

Now: Schedule a meeting with me before Thursday!

Weds-Fri: Available after school until 4pm for any homework/college search help.

Wednesday: please send me your current grades (with percentages) for each class; I know some of you do not have new grades for the new term. Just send me what you have. You can screenshot them from Aspen or show them to me in my office.

Friday: Let me know by Friday if you are planning on coming to the Salem State University trip next Tuesday. Leaving East Boston at 9am returning around 3:30/4.

February Break: Get homework/studying done! Text/call/email me if you need help or want me to check something. Be sure to read through the College Knowledge website and let me know if you have any questions. The website is:

Notes: The Carpenter Center for The Visual Arts trip originally scheduled for today is CANCELLED due to the limited MBTA service. I will hopefully reschedule it for another week!