Tuesday, March 10, 2015

This Week in SEAD (3/9-3/14)

Now: Schedule your wrap up meeting with me before Thursday!

Tues-Wednesday: Available after school until 4:30pm for any homework/college search help.

Wednesday:  PRACTICE ACT IS DUE to me on Wednesday.

Thursday: please bring your PROGRESS REPORTS to my office to show me or take a picture and send it to me! If you do not get a progress report, please show me your aspen or screenshot it and send it to me.
Shake Shake after school on Newbury St! Meet in my office after school.

Friday: my last day at Eastie! I will have pizza and cupcakes/cookies for everyone during both first and third lunches.

Saturday: Fitchburg State Visit on Saturday, March 14! Meet at Maverick Square at 7:30am. We will stop for a quick breakfast there and then will head to North Station. We will be taking the Commuter Rail from North Station. (I will be buying all tickets beforehand, which means I need to know if you are coming by FRIDAY March 13.) If it is easier for you, you can meet us at North Station at 8:15am. You can buy breakfast on your way and if you save your receipts I will reimburse you! SEAD will also pay for lunch at Fitchburg State. We will be back to East Boston by 4pm, North Station by 3:40pm.